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They can also detect water leaks and the temperature, and they alert you when smoke and carbon monoxide detectors go off.

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99 each, smoke detectors for $29.

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You can even preset it to close your garage door if you forget and it will do so once you’ve traveled beyond a certain range.

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But increasingly, Boyce said, smart home components include the ability to adjust components like lighting, heating and air conditioning, and appliances and devices. Defenders projects up to 97 percent of its clients will have some form of smart home technology within 12 months. “We think the residential security business will continue to grow and the growth will accelerate because there will be more smart home components,” Boyce said. That’s pretty impressive penetration considering Defenders didn’t get into smart home devices until 2014. The company then backed off of those sales for a time to re evaluate and retest the market. This year, it has jumped back in full force.

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